Septic System Maintenance Letter for a septic check-up
Maintenance of your septic system can prevent possible damage to the soil and water in the ground around your home and may extend the useful life of your system.
Have you seen the commercials about using a product to maintain your system between inspections?
There is no reason you need to add any additives to maintain the operation of your septic. Your natural bacteria works fine! So hang on to your money!
Don't use powdered soaps in the washer or dishwasher, and this can create a buildup and has been the culprit to a backup problem in many of our service calls.
Over-excessive use of toilet paper can cause some backups.
Clark County
Did you get your letter from the health dept. telling you it is time for an inspection? Remember they will send these notices out early before your actual due date. Some of our customers asked, "why don't we just get it done now to get it over with?" This is fine, but please note if you do it early, the electronic program will then recalculate your due date from your most current inspection. (Example - the letter says, please get done by November 7th, you received the letter in August, you decide to get it done in August... so your next due date the letter will come to you around June and say, please get your inspection done in August.)
Give us a call in the office, and we can put you on schedule for the month you are due.

2011, Dec 30th-Clark County Health Dept. Fees
In the news release, the commissioners of the Clark County Health Dept. have approved the property tax for septic systems.
2010, January-The County Requirement for Septic Inspections
According to the news release from the Clark County Health Dept., if you have a pressure distribution system and no other components, you will have 2-year inspections.